As a consequence of the focus on core business, units or marginal segments that could be integrated and used more efficiently in other companies become saleable (best owner / best practice).

Examples of successful spin off transactions are:

  • The Sale of products and brands
  • The Sale of manufacturing plants, factories or industrial logistics
  • The Spin off of business units and profit centers
  • The Separation of customer target groups and distribution channels

As a rule, profit centres or lines of business in bigger companies are forced to bear the corporate charges without receiving any direct service in return. Circumstances permitting, contribution margins of products or segments might be falsified by overhead burdens that are too highly apportioned internally.

The integration into another company very often creates a dynamic movement. A “Nobody” becomes a very profitable engine of growth within the new company group. In addition, the overhead burden is resolved by the elimination of this cost component.

Use our services / performances to arrange successful spin off´s or spin on´s.